When purchasing raw materials from any supplier, it is mandatory to transport them using a container. The use of a container ensures standardized and efficient transportation for the raw materials, maintaining their quality and facilitating logistical operations.

Each container can be utilized for transporting goods from only one supplier per trip. It is important to note that combining materials from multiple suppliers in a single container is not allowed. This practice ensures the proper tracking, management, and delivery of goods, maintaining clarity and efficiency in the supply chain.
The costs associated with container transport vary based on the distance to the suppliers. The pricing structure is as follows:

For local transport: 20 pleuro
For national transport: 40 pleuro
For international transport: 60 pleuro
For intercontinental transport: 80 pleuro

To explore the suppliers and their corresponding locations, please refer to the following link.
You are required to pay a fixed price of 1% per week for the transport assets, covering taxes and insurance. This cost is calculated based on the purchasing value of the transport units. The payment will be automatically debited from your bank account every 4 weeks.
The transport assets undergo a depreciation rate of 25% per session, calculated based on their purchase value. Depreciation will occur at the end of each game session. This depreciation rate reflects the gradual reduction in value over time due to usage, wear and tear, and technological advancements. It is essential to account for depreciation when evaluating the overall value and financial status of the transport assets throughout the game.

Distribution incurs variable costs per trip, including fuel expenses and maintenance costs due to wear and tear. The total costs depend on the type of asset used for distribution and the distance to the customer. It is important to note that the price will never exceed the cost for the customer located farthest away.
Please refer to the table below for the pricing per asset, per distance.

Asset typeLocal (within 50km)National (50 – 200km)International (max 2000 kmIntercontinental (2000+ km)
Small truck8,00 ₽16,00 ₽24,00 ₽48,00 ₽
Medium Truck10,00 ₽20,00 ₽30,00 ₽60,00 ₽
Big truck15,00 ₽30,00 ₽45,00 ₽90,00 ₽
Boat25,00 ₽50,00 ₽75,00 ₽150,00 ₽
Train (Locomotive + 4 wagons)30,00 ₽60,00 ₽90,00 ₽180,00 ₽

Containers are exclusively reserved for transporting the bulk quantities of raw materials from the suppliers and cannot be used for distribution purposes. Therefore, alternative means of transportation must be employed to distribute finished products to customers.

In order to effectively manage and store the inventory of raw materials, semi-finished goods, and finished goods, your company requires warehouse assets. These assets provide the necessary infrastructure and space for organizing and storing the various items in your inventory. To explore the available warehouse assets, please refer to the following link. This will help you select the appropriate assets that align with your storage requirements and operational needs.
The warehouses in your company experience a depreciation rate of 20% per round, calculated based on their original purchasing price. Depreciation occurs at the end of each game round, reflecting the gradual reduction in value of the warehouse assets over time. It is important to consider this depreciation when evaluating the financial status and overall value of your warehouse infrastructure throughout the game.
To initiate and sustain the process of transport, warehousing and distribution, it is essential to have adequately trained employees. These individuals play a crucial role in ensuring the smooth operation of these activities. The cost associated with employing and maintaining these skilled workers is 50 pleuro per week. This amount covers their wages, benefits, training, and other expenses related to their employment. In the game, this cost is invoiced by the employment agency every 4 weeks.
The valuation of the stock of raw materials and semi-finished products is based on the average purchase price during the session. This means that the value of the stock is assessed against the average price at which these materials were purchased. 
The value of the stock of finished goods is determined by valuing it at 200% of the average purchase price of the raw materials used in their production. This valuation method reflects the added value and transformation that occurs during the manufacturing process.
The final calculations for the value of the stock will be conducted at the conclusion of each round. This process ensures an accurate assessment of the inventory value based on the specified valuation methods and enables financial overviews accordingly.

All Transport and Distribution Assets have a footprint in CO2 KG, see this page.