This game focusses on activating the learning while playing, and is assessed in three different ways as shown below.

In the picture below, you can see that learning stands central in this game. 

Diagnostic Assessment

This only focusses on what knowlegde and experience you already have, and how/where  you can use this in the game. It is activated in the ‘history’ phase.


Formative Assessment

In order to improve the learning, formative assesment will be used.  It is alway guided by the project coordinator, and it is part of the different activities in the preparation phase of the game. You will never be ‘marked’ in formative assessment, it has the goal to give you feedback, so you can improve your work.


Summative Assessment



At the end of a game sessions, your team will also receive a summative assessment.  Details about what this summative assessment entails, and in which form, will be given by the game project coordinator.

In the Game Sessions itself, you will be rated with all your ‘competition’ by the customer satisfaction,  a ‘sustainability’ rating on how your company is performing during the session, and finally the revenue and  profit at the end of the game:

Customer satisfaction means ON TIME, IN FULL (So Right Time, Right Quality). Every order will be scored by the different customers!

The ‘sustainability’ rating is calculated based on your (internal) performance son the different parts of your company (, Production, Transport & Distribution, Inventory). Every action you take will have an ecological Footprint!

At the end of every session the final revenue and  ‘profit’ of your company is calculated. These are the revenues you have made minus all costs involved.